Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anthony Chen...another freak.

In a good way that is...Anthony Chen is another guy in the blading scene that I know is all about bikes. In fact he likes both of these things so much that he has his own blog called Bike Skate Chocolate Cake that is pretty awesome. Somehow I've never met the guy but I know he's passed through my town at least once and I sold him a pair of skates at one time...haha. Hopefully one day we will Motor Blade Anthony. Anyways, here's a link to his youtube page and a picture of what it looks like. Apparently you can't embed his video's so they don't end up on random blogs like this. Check it out.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beau Cottington apparently enjoys rollerbooting and motorbiking...hmmm?

I was checking out some of his old skate videos that he had made on his vimeo page and noticed all of the work he has done with motorbikes(off road). Anyways, check his page out because he's got way more than just a few videos of each.

The first post of all time!

Anyways, the site is up and I've got the basics worked out. I'll be posting some various videos, photos, and news as often as possible. Anyone who wants to contribute in any way please contact me at

I'm still wanting to organize the midwest motorbike and rollerboot tour for this summer so keep checking back for details as they become available.